Download Pixea Plus 5.1 Mac

Name : Pixea Plus
Size : 140 MB
Download Pixea Plus 5.1 Mac
Pixea is a versatile image viewer for macOS that offers a sleek and modern user interface. It’s designed to provide users with a simple and intuitive way to view images, including support for a wide range of image formats. Pixea is also capable of basic image processing tasks, such as flipping and rotating images. Here are some key features and capabilities of Pixea:
Supported Image Formats:
- Pixea supports a variety of image formats, including JPEG, HEIC, GIF, PNG, TIFF, Photoshop (PSD), BMP, fax images, macOS and Windows icons, Radiance images, Google’s WebP, and more.
- It also supports various RAW formats from different camera manufacturers, such as Leica DNG and RAW, Sony ARW, Olympus ORF, Minolta MRW, Nikon NEF, Fuji RAF, Canon CR2 and CRW, Hasselblad 3FR.
- Additionally, Pixea can preview Sketch files, although it doesn’t provide full editing capabilities for Sketch files.
Basic Image Processing:
- Pixea offers basic image processing features, allowing you to flip and rotate images as needed.
- It also provides information about images, including color histograms and EXIF data.
User-Friendly Interface:
- Pixea’s user interface is designed to be minimal and modern, providing an uncluttered and pleasant viewing experience.
- The application supports keyboard shortcuts and trackpad gestures for easy navigation and interaction with images.
Archive Support:
- Pixea can display images contained within ZIP archives without the need to extract them, making it convenient for browsing archived image collections.
Export Options:
- The application allows you to export images in various formats, including JPEG, JPEG-2000, PNG, TIFF, and BMP.
System Compatibility:
- Pixea is compatible with macOS 10.12 or later.
Whether you need a simple and efficient image viewer or want to quickly browse images within archives, Pixea provides a user-friendly solution for macOS users. You can download Pixea from the Mac App Store to explore its features and capabilities further.

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