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Boxy SVG for Mac Download 4.35.0

Name : Boxy SVG
Size : 182 MB
Boxy SVG for Mac Free Download
Boxy SVG: The Ultimate SVG Editor
Boxy SVG aims to be the best SVG editor for both non-technical users and professional designers and developers. It supports the SVG format, which is the standard for storing vector graphics like icons, banners, charts, and illustrations.
Core Features
- User Interface: Clean and intuitive UI inspired by Inkscape, Sketch, and Adobe Illustrator.
- On-Canvas Editing: Extensive support for editing object geometry, transformations, paint, and other properties directly on the canvas.
- File Formats: Save to SVG and SVGZ formats, and export to PNG, JPG, WebP, PDF, and HTML5.
- Open Clip Art Library: Integration with thousands of free stock vector arts.
- Google Fonts: Access to hundreds of free fonts.
- Keyboard Shortcuts: Configurable shortcuts for over 100 commands.
- Guides and Grids: Manual guides, smart guides, and grid support.
- Path Operations: Functions like unite, intersect, subtract, exclude, close, and reverse.
- Arrangement Operations: Align, rotate, flip, order, group, and more.
Features for Web Developers
- Rendering Engine: Chromium-based rendering engine for accurate visual representation.
- Code Inspector: SVG and CSS code inspector similar to Chrome Dev Tools.
- Clean SVG Output: Preserves IDs, classes, titles, and other metadata.
- SVG Sprites: Support for editing SVG sprites.
System Requirements
- Compatibility: macOS 10.15.0 or later
- Homepage: Boxy SVG on App Store
Boxy SVG combines a user-friendly interface with powerful features, making it a versatile tool for creating and editing vector graphics for designers and developers alike.
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