Download Final Draft for Mac13.0.2

Name : Final Draft
Size : 110 MB
Final Draft for Mac free Download
Final Draft is a premier application tailored for writing movie scripts, television episodics, and stage plays. It seamlessly combines powerful word processing with professional script formatting, allowing writers to focus on content creation while Final Draft handles the stylistic aspects. Here are some of its top features:
Top Writing Features:
- Scene View: Easily outline and reorder scenes using a drag-and-drop interface.
- Navigator: View, sort, and filter important scene details, Scriptnotes, and Characters.
- Index Cards: Outline your story and restructure your script scene by scene.
- ScriptNotes: Make color-coded notes without affecting pagination.
- Templates: Access over 100 templates for television shows, screenplays, stage plays, and graphic novels.
- Pagination: Final Draft automatically paginates scripts to industry standards.
- Watermarking: Print watermarked scripts or save to PDF in proper format.
- Panels System: Split screen to view scene outlines while writing.
- Final Draft Courier Font: Industry-standard screenwriting font.
- Writing Management: Check content written to manage writing goals.
- Format Assistant: Ensures there are no formatting errors.
- Retina and Full Screen Support: Distraction-free writing in full screen mode.
- Mac OSX Dictation Support: Utilize built-in dictation feature for hands-free writing.
Top Production Features:
- Title Page: Easily include a professional Title Page with your script.
- Revision Mode: Save different revisions for production purposes.
- Page Locking: Omit scenes, lock pages, and set revision colors.
- Colored Production Pages: Colored borders for writing ease, solid color production pages in PDF.
- Character Highlighting: Highlight specific characters’ lines for table reads or tracking dialogue.
- Customizable Reporting: Seven different reports for production including Scene, Character, and Location reports.
Compatibility: macOS 10.15 or later
Final Draft streamlines the entire writing process from concept to final production, making it an indispensable tool for writers in the entertainment industry. For more information, visit the official homepage: Final Draft.

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